Over and Under, Above and Below, Through the…

27 March 2024

A wonderful project opened to the public this morning at the Project Space, Charleston in Lewes. We had our 10am PV with bourbon biscuits and mini cheddars as requested by the young artists plus squash. 

‘Over and Under, Above and Below, Through the…’
An exhibition of works made by pupils from Priory School’s Oak Centre. On from 27 March until 8 September 2024.

We ran workshops at Charleston in Lewes and at Priory School. Students and teaching staff immersed themselves into sculptural and textiles-based processes responding to a variety of materials to create individual pieces. 

On their visit to the gallery last month, one student filmed swirling viewpoints of the previous exhibition by Jonathan Baldock this project is in response to. This short film is also showing in this exhibition.

We installed works across two collective displays reflecting the processes of making, viewing and physically experiencing the works. Reflecting themes of hand movements in wrapping, coiling, weaving and growth through seasonal cycles, the exhibition reflects heightened senses of walking and being amongst natural forms. 

Beyond the windows of the space, we also see crows busily collecting twigs to create their nests in the trees. 

Thank you to the pupils, teachers and support staff from Priory School’s Oak Centre, Head of Community Engagement Nick Kidd and the Charleston Trust.

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